Mau upload data di emis muncul conversion from string to type date is not valid

0. How to add months to a date . 1. VB .Net querying a SQL Server DB for average and getting "DS System.Data .DataSet". 2. DateTimePicker: the box goes back to it's original date ? 1. Conversion From String To Type 'Date ' Is Not Valid. 1. - 13.02.2016;  Eщё Conversion from string "" to type 'Date ' is not ... - Software... | DaniWeb Conversion from string "" to type 'Date ' is not valid. and highlights this part: a = dt.Rows(i)(1).ToString.  It still returns that error message. I suspect now that this is not about the conversion , but the data being converted.  imports System.Data .SqlTypes. If (DecisionDate.Text = "") Then DecDateMade = SqlDateTime.Null Else DecDateMade = Convert.ToDateTime(DecisionDate.Text) End If.  String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.  And the word "pao" is not a date . At a guess, you are passing data to SQL from your VB, and you are doing two things wrong: 1) You should not concatenate strings to form your SQL command - it leave you wide open to SQL Injection which can damage or destroy your database.  A data can never be empty (""). In .Net is the minimum point = 1/1/1 0:0:0. In databases it is depending from the used Database.  now also when it test for "" to bombs there too. "Conversion from string "" to type 'Date ' is not valid. So i rem out all statements that checks for the test.  Hello i am only getting this error everytime i try to update/edit data on a web form. the error is, Conversion from string "" to type 'Date ' is not valid. can someone assist me please thanks.  I think conversion from string to date failed in IE because I use AjaxToolkit Extensions such as UpdatePanel.  Windows Internet Explorer Conversion from string "18/05/2006 08:38" to type 'Date ' is not valid.  DecDateMade = Convert.ToDateTime(DecisionDate.Text). End If.  Protected Sub AdmDecNoAdmit(ByVal DecDateMade As Date , ByVal DecTimeMade As String , ByVal NoAdmDecMadeBy As String , ByVal Cont As String , ByVal ContText As String, ByVal...  Sambil menunggu dirilisnya aplikasi dekstop emis untuk mengupload form data emis exl saya infokan sedikit mengenai macam-macam peringatan error yang sering muncul saat  Maka segeralah ditutup form data exl nya. 4. Kesalahan : Conversion from string "" to type 'Double' is not valid.  What type of data does your UnsortedListBox items hold?  Visual Basic .NET. [RESOLVED] Conversion from string "" to type 'Integer' is not valid.  Home/ASP.NET Forums/General ASP.NET/Getting Started/"Conversion from string "" to type 'Double' is not valid."  For example, the string "Hello World!" is valid as a string but not as a double. Check the actual data.  if txtdob.text="09/02/2011" --- above code is working fine. if txtdob.text="9/22/2011" --- above code is showing error: ex = {"Conversion from string "9/22/2011" to type 'Date ' is not valid."} Why and how to over come from this. 2nd question is: And i need to know how to format it like: yyyy-MM-dd ?  Conversion from string "" to type Date is not valid.  Hi, there was a date conversion issue in Nopadmin 1.80 that is specific to non - US dates. This bug was fixed on Nov 24, 2010.  Conversion from string "20110627" to type 'Date ' is not valid. below is my code any suggestions or help will be appreciated.  Conversion From String To Do uble Is Not Valid .. From String To Decimal - How Do I... 

0. How to add months to a date. 1. VB .Net querying a SQL Server DB for average and getting "DS System.Data.DataSet". 2. DateTimePicker: the box goes back to it's original date? 1. Conversion From String To Type 'Date' Is Not Valid. 1. End If. When I try to run it, it always gives me this error message: Conversion from string "" to type 'Date' is not valid. It still returns that error message. I suspect now that this is not about the conversion, but the data being converted. I want to ask about some things And the word "pao" is not a date. At a guess, you are passing data to SQL from your VB, and you are doing two things wrong: 1) You should not concatenate strings to form your SQL command - it leave you wide open to SQL Injection which can damage or destroy your database. I think conversion from string to date failed in IE because I use AjaxToolkit Extensions such as UpdatePanel. Windows Internet Explorer Conversion from string "18/05/2006 08: 38" to type 'Date' is not valid. Hello i am only getting this error everytime i try to update/edit data on a web form. the error is, Conversion from string "" to type 'Date' is not valid. can someone assist me please thanks. Home/ASP.NET Forums/General ASP.NET/Getting Started/"Conversion from string "" to type 'Double' is not valid." For example, the string "Hello World!" is valid as a string but not as a double. Check the actual data. Mau tanya, sy coba upload Data Personal EMIS RA di aplikasi desktop, tapi tidak bisa dan selalu muncul tulisan spt ini: Conversion from string "" to type 'Double' is not valid. Region & Language sudah diganti jd English United States, sudah ganti framework 3.5 juga. Visual Basic .NET. [RESOLVED] Conversion from type 'DBNull' to type 'String' is not valid. Thread Starter. Junior Member. Join Date. Apr 2009. I have opened the DB, retrieved the data, put the data into the record set and d isplayed it in a DataGridView. Conversion from string "" to type 'Date' is not valid. What's the correct syntax for the data conversion? Using reader As SqlDataReader = dcmd.ExecuteReader(). While reader.Read().

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